Sgrano Gluten Free

Via Dei Neri 49R
50122 FLORENCE, (FI), Italy

Working hours
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SGRANO dishes convey the flavors of the Tuscan culinary tradition.They are capable of involving and exciting everyone: those who have to eat gluten-free, those who prefer it, those who simply just want to eat well, eat Tuscan!SGRANO cuisine is the result of the selection of the best ingredients and, crucially, the search for balances that allow SGRANO gluten free dishes to be exquisite, full of tradition, a multicolored pleasure for all palates, even the most demanding ones.At the gluten free SGRANO in via dei Neri, at the Osteria in via dei Benci and at the Cucina dello Sgrano our customers can finally taste the best Tuscan dishes!Delicious cured meats and cheeses accompanied by crunchy gluten free coccoli, delicious pizza and "schiaccia dello Sgrano" in all its flavours. And unmissable, for true traditional Tuscan cuisine, are the delicious artisanal desserts and handmade pasta.Precisely a riot of colors and flavors that revolutionize gluten-free cooking. Seeing is believing!